[RP'23] Ready Player 50 - All Challenges
Ready Player 50 - All Levels The Ready Player 50 Challenge is a collaboration between Lakera’s popular game “Gandalf” and the CS50 course at Harvard University. It contains 7 levels of increasing difficulty, and the goal of it is to make the CS50 Duck reveal the secret password for each level through various methods of prompt injections. Level 1 Level 1 was indeed very easy, and I had to simply ask the duck for the password.
[TISC'23] Level 1 - Disk Archaeology
TISC'23: Disk Archaeology This was a forensic challenge in TISC, involving the analysis of a disk image. We are provided with a file called challenge.tar.xz which we had to find the hidden flag within the files. The Challenge Unknown to the world, the sinister organization PALINDROME has been crafting a catastrophic malware that threatens to plunge civilization into chaos. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate their secret digital lair, a disk image exfiltrated by our spies.
[PatriotCTF'23] WPA
Patriot CTF: WPA This was an easy wifi hacking challenge which required the use of a dictionary attack to find out the password of a wifi password. The challenge pcap file can be found here The Challenge I really need to get on my friends WiFi, but he won't give me the password. I think he thinks I'll mess around on his network. I started a packet capture and left it running a while, I think someone connected to the network before I stopped the capture.
[PatriotCTF'23] ReReCaptcha
Patriot CTF: ReReCaptcha This was an RSA challenge which required the use of OCR (Optical character recognition - converting an image of text into text format). The Challenge The challenge had a zip file containing four images: CT.png: E.png: P.png: Q.png: In RSA (and here), CT - Ciphertext / Encrypted Message E - Public Exponent (Part of Public Key) that is relatively prime (share no common factors other than 1) to the product of P-1 and Q-1 which is represented by phi P and Q - (Part of private key) Distinct, large prime numbers used in the generation of the RSA key pair.
[PatriotCTF'23] Bookshelf
Bookshelf This pwn challenge involved the use of return-oriented programming to call system and spawn a shell. Description Just finished up my project based around books! Hope you enjoy reading… You can download the binary here and the corresponding libc here. Part I: Getting the address of puts When we connect to the server, we see that there are multiple options to choose from. Lets take a look at option 2.